Mon - Fri 08:00-17:00 +254 20 8098325
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Agricultural & Integrated Rural Development

The special focus of PANAFCON’s expertise in the field of agricultural development lies on smallholder food production in dry land areas and on irrigated systems, particularly in marginal areas. This includes a full range of services such as applied crop research, farming system research, assessment of extension needs and options, input supply, disease/pest control, assessment of credit options, development of post harvest systems, institutional support, training and processing and marketing of produce.

PANAFCON’s experts study and make recommendations on the improvement of land use and land management. Our approach is based on soil surveys, land evaluation, socio-economic assessment and measures such as erosion control, soil conservation, water management and agro-forestry, all required to increase crop and livestock production and improve on range management. Proper livestock and range management are an important aspect in the sustainable development of pastoralist systems in arid and semi arid regions of Africa. Our expertise includes the elaboration of appropriate carrying capacities, range improvement and management measures, stock water supply, herd improvement and the trade in livestock.

The rural development expertise of PANAFCON includes a wide range of disciplines such as socio-economic studies, rural water supply systems, rural roads, housing, fuel wood plantations and off-farm employment. Obviously people, in particular women, play a crucial role in the development of rural areas. Therefore, special attention is given to community development and the participation of women.