RAP for Bulk Water Supply System
Name: Review and Update of Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) forthe Northern Collector Treated Water Transmission Pipelines from Ngethu Water Treatment Works to Gigiri Reservoirs
Country: Kenya
Client: Athi Water Works Development Agency
(AWWDA)/World Bank/French Development Agency
(Agence Française de Développement – AFD)
Period: 2019-2020
Partner: None
Athi Water Works Development Agency (AWWDA), having secured financing from the Government of Kenya (GoK) and the World Bank under the WASSIP-AF program is currently undertaking the construction of raw and treated water pipeline from Thika dam to Gigiri Reservoirs. The project is aimed at increasing bulk water supply to Nairobi City and its environs.
The treated water pipeline route will run from Kigoro Treatment Plant to Ngethu where it will join the existing wayleave from Ngethu (Chainage 12+500) to Gigiri (Chainage 48+645) traversing Kiambu and Nairobi Counties. AWWDA intends to acquire a new wayleave corridor of 9m from Ngethu-to Gigiri to be able to transfer treated water from the Ngethu to the reservoir in Gigiri, a total distance of approx. 36.31km. This new pipeline will run on the eastern side of the existing 18m wayleave corridor and traverses a peri-urban area with human settlements and commercial centers. The main objective of the RAP is to identify Project Affected Persons (PAPs), project impacts, provide a road map with a time-bound plan, and a budget for compensation and resettlement of Project Affected Persons (PAPs) and also provide mechanisms for resolving displacements, resettlements and compensation issues. This RAP is consistent with the applicable policy provisions of the Government of Kenya, AWWDA, and those of the World Bank and French Development Agency (AFD).